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Enlit3D - Untitled Enlit3D v 5.08

Enlit3D - Untitled Enlit3D v 5.08

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6 536
Published by svs games in Porn Games

Right now it plays like a dungeon crawler - take your party (or solo) into randomly generated dungeons with enemies, bosses, traps (to come), etc that presents interesting challenges and scenes for our heroines (and heroes in the future). Dress up your character(s) with the loot and treasure found in the dungeons, pick your favorite weapons and even adjust body proportions directly via sliders - no RNG this time, fully functional inventory, equipment and sliders UI.
- implemented EXP and Leveling Up, works for companions too

- implemented EXP and Leveling Up, works for companions too
- implemented Stats, check in-game char window for what each individual stats do
- implemented new character status window
- implemented new ability and commands tab and it is now possible to freely rearrange the entire hotbar
- implemented Status Effects, check previous post on what they do
- implemented dynamic Status Effect UI icons under the bars
- implemented animations for drinking potion/eating consumables
- implemented target-tracking projectiles
- implemented engine support for animating different head models
- implemented engine support for using skeleton animation for environmental props
- implemented new lunge, place_trap and cast_curse abilities
- implemented Goblin Lair, there are 4 different "floors" in total
- implemented respawning waves for Intermediate+ dungeons
- implemented dungeon traps
- implemented opening door restrictions for Intermediate+ dungeons
- implemented equipment modifications

- added few more potions that grants various boons for alchemist

- fixed a bug that defeated units sometimes still moves their torso
- fixed restricting camera within bounds no working
- fixed the error prompt "Ok" button not working with mouse
- fixed portal dialogue bug at end of dungeon portals
- roll SP cost increased by 50%
- heat (pink bar) regeneration rate is halved
- camera collision is disabled when the player is in a grab
- stamina regeneration while running is reduced to 1/3 of the regular rate
- fixed push backs causes character to slide down the slope
- increased effectiveness of armor
- values of plate armor decreased from 1,000 to 500 per piece
- removed R*** dungeon zone
- double clicking now transfers item one at a time instead of the entire stack
- "Harvest" option for farming now checks for whether a "tool" (items in green) is not equipped rather than empty hand
- fixed a bug that sometimes cause attackers and target in grabs to be misplaced
- it is now possible to mark characters as having a penis via editing the unit data file. (File will be exposed in a later patch)

Enlit3D - Untitled Enlit3D v 5.08 Enlit3D - Untitled Enlit3D v 5.08 Enlit3D - Untitled Enlit3D v 5.08 Enlit3D - Untitled Enlit3D v 5.08 Enlit3D - Untitled Enlit3D v 5.08
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