SVSPORNGAMES.COM » Porn Games » Bruni Multimedia - General Practitioner "Cars and Motorcycles"
Bruni Multimedia - General Practitioner "Cars and Motorcycles"
If you pursued another story saved games are compatible.
* Bug fixing
- Fixed an issue in Rita's examination showing her back exam when examining other body parts
- Labels' tooltips "Spend time with Rita" and "Spend time with Elisa" now correctly disappear after being chosen
- It's now no longer possible to phone Rita for dating her is she's already living with the player
- Ultrasound was not available as a tool in "Exam Mode", this has been corrected
* The following achievements have been added:
- Shoulder Pain
- Annoying Cough
- The Fall of an Artist
* Codex entries that have been revised to include more informations about the ailment to help players:
- Back Pain
- Labyrinthitis
- Myocardial Infarction
- Diabetes Mellitus
- Bimalleolar Fracture
- Animal Bites
- Brain Hemorrhage
- Tonsillitis
* Added new codex entries:
- Syphilis
- Chlamydia
- Dysuria
- Pericarditis
- Acute Coronary Syndrome
- Rotator Cuff Tear
- Subacromial Impingement Syndrome
- Frozen Shoulder
- Deep_Vein Thrombosys
- Esophageal Cancer
- Achalasia
* A "copy to the clipboard" button has been added to every patient's codex page to allow players to copy the patient's ID to the clipboard
* It is now possible to paste the clipboard text to the waiting room computer to easily access an examination.
* Clothing shopping from the OVS store has been temporarily removed. We're studying a better way to implement it in the final game. Sorry if you're going to miss the Sales Representative, she will be back soon!
* The shopping selection screen has been overhauled with icons replacing text descriptions of the available actions
* All shopping interfaces have been revisited. Players will now get tooltips about the purpose of each item and its effect on gameplay.
* Medical equipments' costs have been changed to balance the new "Defer patient to another clinic" mechanic. Players are no longer penalized when lacking a certain equipment in their clinic, although they might miss some important informations to correctly diagnose the patient, hence the needs to balance the game.
- Increased the initial cost of blood exam tools to 3000 (from 300)
- Increased the initial cost of mri device to 8000 (from 800)
- Increased the initial cost of urine exam tools to 1750 (from 175)
- Increased the initial cost of ekg device to 6200 (from 620)
- Increased the initial cost of ultrasound scanner to 3000 (from 1200)
- Increased the initial cost of defibrillator to 1500 (from 50)
- Defibrillator now has no monthly costs
* Added in-game effects whenever you buy an item/car. For infos about each effect move the mouse over the item
* Added three "Inventory" icons in the "Stats Screen"
* New exam available (#54): Cornell. You can access his exam via the examination room either by clicking on her or by typing his ID (1006084654) or by going to the Exam Room after December 17th
* New exam available (#55): Zola. You can access her exam via the examination room either by clicking on her or by typing her ID (7367197355) or by going to the Exam Room after December 28th
* New exam available (#56): Kiley. You can access her exam via the examination room either by clicking on her or by typing her ID (8375618856) or by going to the Exam Room after December 27th
* New exam available (#57): Martina. You can access her exam via the examination room either by clicking on her or by typing her ID (6821010857) or by going to the Hospital after December 20th
* This update features no story mode
* The game will end on December 31st or after the "Merry Christmas" chapter
Known issues:
* "After-exam" sexy scenes for story mode are in development
* Nolan has no character box
* Stats review shows 1 girlfriend even if you have more
* New Clothes for Erika is still an in-development feature. I'm still thinking about it in the actual gameplay.
* Nolan's exam will be completely re-done in a future update
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