SVSPORNGAMES.COM » Porn Games » Life With A Slave Teaching Feeling V2.5.2 + TransFix v5.2 r5m English

Life With A Slave Teaching Feeling V2.5.2 + TransFix v5.2 r5m English
This game is about a doctor who saves a mans life who can't afford the bill so he gives the guy a slave girl to repay his debts. The girl has been badly abused to the point she is submissive but your goal is to change that. Yes you can start off by being a asshole and raping her but that path eventually leads to the girls death so... If you play nice and open her up she will eventually offer herself to you. It's essentially the reverse of every slave trainer out there, instead of trying to break the girl in, shes already broke and you are trying to fix her which makes her fall in love with you.
TransFixV3.0 release 5
1.Fixed (i hope) overlaping button
2.Changed [watch her masturbate] button to [Watch her]
3.Added sylvie saying goodnight

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