Beasts in the sun
From the creator of Breaking the Quiet. Not much is known about the game itself, but it's obvious that it's about Lara Croft, tombs and all sorts of monsters.

ОS: Windows 7 / 8.1 / 10 / 11
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3 6300
VRAM: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 3 GB
HDD: 17 GB
1. Extract and run.
Skeleton Test Build
There isn't anything super special - it's a pretty straigh forward demo, where you can shoot multiple types of skeletons (sword/shield/archer), plus to look out for 2 secrets.
EP2 will have a similiar area, but it's gonna be much more complex - with puzzles, collectables and so on (and more detailed of course).
There was a lot of small issues we were dealing here, but it seems that we fixed majority of bugs already.
You can leave your feedback on enemy, if you had any suggestions and stuff.
Episode 1 - v.8.1
- Fixed bug with certain items unable to be picked-up (like comic page near the Horus statue)
- Fixed bug with Magnum pistol ADS, where aiming while reloading will result in a bug (you had to un-aim and aim again, to be able to shoot)
- Fixed bug with missing reloading animation for Magnum
- Fixed pistols fire rate
- Fixed Dirt and Sand masks for the character's face/futa cock
- Fixed bug, allowing you to wear multiple Accessories at once
- Fixed bug with defused torches able to light up the arrow
- You can "revive" defused fire torches now
- Fixed small bug with Hand IKs on climbing
- You can remove the amulet (become a dickgirl) inside the Gallery
- Reduced "too glossy" look for pages, inside Comix book
- Reworked Climable lianas (now it has a proper "Use" widget on screen)
- Reworked certain level triggeres, which should fix rare bugs with incorrect water level/lighting
- Slightly improved Minotaur statue climbing
- Fixed "camera mode 2" bug for the sex scenes, where you can't move the camera (only rotate)
- Fixed Audio volume settings not saved after loading a game
- Improved Tara's ragdoll physics
- Fixed bug with altered "jiggle" physics after ragdolling
- Reduced accurancy for shooting range "shooters targets"
- Fixed incorrect time bonus on Shooting Range
- Fixed bug with incorrect Secrets count, after beating New Game+
- Different small fixes on the map
- Added "Teeth tone" slider, which can control how "bleach" Tara's teeth are
- Added "Drying speed" slider, which controls how fast clothes will become dry again
- Added new tattoo (made by Josep)
- Improved Dirt/Sand effects on clothes
- Dirt/Sand now visible inside "Inventory Tara" too
- Reduced amount of Dirt/Sand applied, when ragdolling
- Fixed bug with certain clothes "colorizing" feature (it was impossible to colorize black clothes before)
- Fixed bug with incorrect "Glasses" ID, now you can wear Hat and Glasses at the same time
- You can now colorize Glasses too