SVSPORNGAMES.COM » Porn Games » Tinkerer - Peasant's Quest NYD v1.54

Tinkerer - Peasant's Quest NYD v1.54
Сensorship: No
Platform: PC / Windows
Language games: English
It’s an Adult RPG game set in a medieval fantasy world, where you play a farmer’s son on his quest to make a name for himself, and perhaps rescue a few damsels in distress along the way.
What's new?
- 120+ images (lost count)
- 5 new scenes with Mia and related quests
- A new outfit in Edgars shop
- Refurbished map of the area where Mia lives
- Bandits can now be caught and turned in for a bounty (speak to guard at tower)
- Added a spirit potion point for Vixenatrix non-pregnant sex scenes (check out her lair)
- Added more new and existing quests to the quest log
- Added more new icons for items
- A new title/splash screen (one I'm actually happy with:-) )
- Fixed several bugs or other minor improvements.
How to transfer old savegames:
Simply copy the 'save' folder (within the 'www' folder) from the old version and past it over the same folder in the new version.

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