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Darot Games - Brothel City October 2018 Build
October 2018 Game Build
Hi, dear friendverts!
We are happy to present you the new October version of the game but first we want to tell you one very important thing for us.
For the first time in these few years of our game creation we finally have ALL THE ARTS DONE and more of that - ALL THE ARTS ARE MADE BY JESSIE!
This means we can say this build has all the city-builder parts done and illustrated, so basically without thinking of Campaign we can call the original city-builder game's the version 1.0
It means a lot for us and, hope, means a lot for you, dear friendverts!
We are ready to say everything else that will be done and added to the game will be the improvements or add-ons to original game concept done and illustrated as it was meant to be done when Jack created the first game concept.
We'll definitely consult our 5+ Patrons through the Dev Polls how to make the game better and better and we are sure every next improvement we'll add to the game will help us become the best adult mid-core strategy.
And now here is the October Brothel City game build list of changes/improvements:
* As one of our Directors ($5+ Patrons) suggested - we've exchanged "taxes" with "tribute".
* New hiring arts for Horsewoman
* New hiring arts for Dancer
* New hiring arts for Dryad
* New hiring arts for Guard
* New hiring arts for Satyr
* New hiring arts for Souteneur
* New hiring arts for Valkyrie
* New hiring arts for Wardress
* New hiring arts for Maregirl - never had their own before
* New hiring arts for Priestess of Charity
* Hard bug fixed: every next time thieves stole more and more gold - this was one of the reasons you lost lots of money in the mid-late game (oh, Goddess! We actually had this bug for half a year already.)
* Because of some censor treats we've changed some decrees' descriptions and pics for the following decrees:
Professional Stallion Care, Manageable Stallions, Full Immersion, Of the same blood, Praising the Beast and Praising the Serpent and we've removed one decree - Masking the smell. Maybe later we'll find something to replace it, but not now.
* New interface element - now you can see the total amount of population you have on the map (all the girls and travellers in and outside of the buildings) and the amount of lodgers - to see it just place your mouse cursor at the new Population tab at the top side of the screen.
* Bug fixed: "160 is not a valid point value. Acess violation at address 0061AF23 in module "BrothelCity.exe" Read of address 00000408."
* Now it is more easy to see the buildings of the same tier branch with new isometric bright-blue arrows pointing them.
* If you have lots of lags, you can now switch show/hide people on the map with N key;
* If you'll put your mouse cursor at the Reputation tab, you'll see the list of travellers available for your current reputation.
* Now you can see whom defeated / won whom - for example, instead "Knight has defeated an Offender" you'll see "orc / thief" etc. instead of just "Offender"
* Bug fixed when sometimes you could not construct Markets even if you match Faction requirement;
* Now clients who leave destroyed or damaged building will not pay for services.
* As one of our Patrons tipped us: in Campaign mode you will not face Offenders and Sickness because until you'll find a solution for them.
* Bug fixed - Priestess had Sister's icon.
* After issuing a decree you'll see "View art" text instead "Issue a decree"
* Now you can see how soon you should pay tribute and the minimum amount of it. To see this info just place your mouse cursor at the Gold tab.
* Bug fixed: when you could construct 2 high-level buildings near each other ignoring construction radius limit'
* Amazons are too furious thus they don't take prisoners anymore - always fight till the end.
* Now you can see Languages change tool always and everywhere at the Main Menu.
* Now with the "Show sick only" checkbox enabled at the girls screen you'll not see the icons of the girls who are not sick.
* Now you have "Show currently available only" checkbox at the Decrees window - no need to scroll down those you cannot issue right now.
* Bug fixed when the tribute's amount increased even if you had less then 0 gold.

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