SVSPORNGAMES.COM » Porn Games » Tales of Terrara - Version 0.1.2 by Thunder One Win/Mac/Android
Tales of Terrara - Version 0.1.2 by Thunder One Win/Mac/Android
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Tales of Terrara will be divided in "Adventures". Every adventure will be a somewhat closed story with beginning and end, with a greater, overarching story arc going on that will link the Adventures. First adventure is called "Ascension". The game is set on a high fantasy setting, with multiple civilized (maybe not so much) races (goblins, orcs, elves), monsters (demons, giants, beasts) and magic (transformation, scrying, enchanting).
Maevrielle, the dwarf innkeeper
2 prostitutes
New sex scene with them
New location: Purity Inn
New stats: attraction and lust. Together with relationship, those will be the three stats used as requirements for events and scenes.
New relationship screen, where you can see info about relevant characters, including their measurements and the current value of each stat. (I'll add more story-related info to this screen later)
2 New quests: from Ninia and Maev
A bunch of dialogue with Ninia, Maev and the prostitutes, including the introduction to the new quests and progress on the other ones.
Option to tell your followers to stop following (They will wait at your home)
Other small bug fixes and improvements.
Maevrielle, the dwarf innkeeper
2 prostitutes
New sex scene with them
New location: Purity Inn
New stats: attraction and lust. Together with relationship, those will be the three stats used as requirements for events and scenes.
New relationship screen, where you can see info about relevant characters, including their measurements and the current value of each stat. (I'll add more story-related info to this screen later)
2 New quests: from Ninia and Maev
A bunch of dialogue with Ninia, Maev and the prostitutes, including the introduction to the new quests and progress on the other ones.
Option to tell your followers to stop following (They will wait at your home)
Other small bug fixes and improvements.
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