SVSPORNGAMES.COM » Porn Games » Somekindof - Version 0.0.9 by Rebby

Somekindof - Version 0.0.9 by Rebby
The is game coded (poorly) by me Rebby. I've taken bits and pieces of other qsp games and put them in here. Mostly i've taken things from Girl life but this can change.
What I'm aiming for is sort of a visual novel/sandbox kind of game. (Much like every other QSP game out there) but with less grinding
I do not lay claim to any of this work.
Feel free to cut, copy or edit it to your hearts content. Just keep it free for everyone else
If you have ideas or want to contribute in any way, you are welcome to do that as well
What I'm aiming for is sort of a visual novel/sandbox kind of game. (Much like every other QSP game out there) but with less grinding
I do not lay claim to any of this work.
Feel free to cut, copy or edit it to your hearts content. Just keep it free for everyone else
If you have ideas or want to contribute in any way, you are welcome to do that as well

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