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Paccsu - Version 0.21 by Zem Win/Android

Paccsu - Version 0.21 by Zem Win/Android

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Published by svs games in Porn Games
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Paccsu - Namu's Journey is a LEWD RPG game set in a fantasy world called Paccsu. You take control of a Muh'kean girl called Namu, who was taken away from her birth parents at a young age to be a part of a holy ritual in Muh'kea's desperate attempt to fight The Undying King, the King of Zombies.

There is a distraught elf girl called Maria Elfenbooben in Ran'ta and she is looking for help. A Thief stole her family heirloom from her home and she needs help retrieving it from the Bandit Hideout.

This sidemission is available after you've finished the Temple of Shadows, Maria Elfenbooben is in Town of Ran'ta - South.

New Areas:

- Tower of Memories, Bandit Hideout

- Maria's Location

- Bandit Hideout Location

New Enemies (Bandit Hideout):

- Bandit Warlock

- Bandit Knight

- Bandit Martial Artist

- Summoned Battlegolem (Boss)

New Lewd Scenes:

- Namu Kaupun'ki Bar Scene 2 Extended, Animated (Kaupun'ki, Bar) (Gfycat)
Remember, when you have completed the first scene, you need to go sleep at the Kaupun'ki Inn to make this scene available!

- Namu's butt tentacled, sideway view, belly bulge, animated (Bandit Warlock, Bandit Hideout)(Gfycat)

- Lohik's Buttslam (Male, Female) Lohik's Special Attack in the Tower of Lohik'


Increased the price of Elixir from 500g to 1200g

Increased the TP cost of Lightning Reflexes from 18 to 25

Increased the TP cost of Heightened Reflexes from 8 to 10

Kiva receives a new power called Motherly Slime (lvl 28), Regeneration, Ally Debuff remover

Kiva receives a new power called Slimediho (lvl 29), Debuffer, Physical Damage

Kiva receives a new power called Slime Cascade (Lvl 30), High Physical Damage

Kiva receives a new power called Crushing Slime Prison (Lvl 31), Paralyze, Physical Debuff, High Physical Damage

Kiva receives a new power called Plagueslime (lvl 32), High Physical Damage, Applies Plague'd (DOT)

Namu receives a new power called Glacial Slash (Lvl 28), Tier 3 Ice Slash

Namu receives a new power called Blessing of the Blue Dragon (lvl 29), Party heal, Defense buff

Namu receives a new power called Storm Slash (lvl 30), Tier 3 Lightning Slash

Namu receives a new power called Encourage (lvl 31), Party Damage & Defense boost

Namu receives a new power called Meditation (lvl 32), TP and MP regeneration

Namu receives a new power called Judgment of the Golden Dragon (lvl 33), Light Defense Debuff, DOT

Purnima receives a new power called Massacre (lvl 29), 2 Random target, Bleed, Shredded

Purnima receives a new power called Throat Cut (lvl 30), Deep cut, Rupture (Massive DOT)

Purnima receives a new power called Smoke Bomb (lvl 31), Party Evasion Buff, Blind Immunity

Purnima receives a new power called Sucker Punch (lvl 32), Disorient, Confusion

Slightly Increased the damage of Slimeburst, Slimespit, Slimespike Barrage and Massive Slime Bomb. (Kiva)

Increased Damage of Hellfire (Inferno Orb)

Stormcharge is no longer Instant Cast (Storm Lord's Orb), Magic Attack Bonus increased from 25% to 30%.

Decreased the TP cost of Namu's elemental slash attacks (Fire Slash, Ice Slash, etc.)

Changed the music of Town of Ran'ta

Increased the prices of items that increase stats

Party members will now receive Experience Points even if they are defeated at the end of the battle

Lightning Reflexes and Heightened Reflexes can no longer be stacked (They will remove one another)

Some itty bitty things

Bug Fix:

none (whaaat??)
Paccsu - Version 0.21 by Zem Win/Android Paccsu - Version 0.21 by Zem Win/Android Paccsu - Version 0.21 by Zem Win/Android Paccsu - Version 0.21 by Zem Win/Android Paccsu - Version 0.21 by Zem Win/Android Paccsu - Version 0.21 by Zem Win/Android Paccsu - Version 0.21 by Zem Win/Android
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